Slow times on the blog

We apologize for the lack of updates of late.  It’s nice to hear from some folks asking what is going on though.  Show’s there is continued interest!

Mostly it’s due to me working hard every weeknight on inventory for the shop.  Since we’ve launched the new website, the challenge is to get everything listed online.  And as anyone knows who has been to Action Hobbies, there is a lot to do.  But we’re plowing through it.  Currently, much of the train section is online now and the majority of the RC department is as well.  But there is plenty to do yet.  Brandon is helping out with this project currently.

But we’re still making baby steps on the layout – since the last update we’ve plugged a few holes between Room 1 and Room2, laid additional staging tracks on Level 2 / Room 2 and made a few other adjustments.

In addition to that, we’ll have a new Pick ‘Em Draw announced this week as well as the next Slide Show.  There are a few other announcements in the works.  We also hope to have some news to report on the C-15C caboose project before spring is officially over.  We’ll also be dropping some monthly train sale offers to various groups on Facebook throughout the summer – be sure to keep an eye out for those if you’re on Facebook.

We’re looking forward to some more progress at the shop and on the layout – hope you are too!

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